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Sarah's Home Boarding / Day Care Booking Form

Meet & Greet Date............................................................................

(leave blank if not yet arranged)

Owner Information:

Name:     Mr/Mrs/Miss


First Name: ……………….................……………..… Surname: ...........................................................................


Address:.......................................................................................................................................................................... ………………………………………………………………                 Postcode:.......................................................


Home Phone: …………………… Work Phone: ..................................     Mobile Phone: .......................................


Email: …………………………………………………………………………………..


Emergency Contact: (other than yourself or partner) Name: Mr/Mrs/Miss


First Name: ……………….................……………..… Surname: ...........................................................................


Address:..........................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………………………………       Postcode:...............................................


Home Phone: …………………… Work Phone: ............................... Mobile Phone: ...........................................


Email: …………………………………………………………………………………..


Boarding Details:


Arrival Date: .........................     Arrival Time: ...........................


Collection Date: ..................... Collection Time: ..........................


Daycare Details: Please tick          Mon             Tues           Wed           Thur           Fri



Pet Information:

Name: ............................................. Breed: ........................................ DOB:.................................. Age: …..............


How old was your dog when you got it? …………………..................    Sex:        M             F


Chipped: Yes/No Chip No. ……………………......…………….


Size: Small Medium Large - Approx weight .....................................................................


 Spayed/Castrated  Yes / No

Specific Markings (if any)                   ………………………………………………………………..


Has your dog ever growled either at yourself, any member of the family (child or adult), carer, stranger?      Yes / No   If yes, please be more specific:



Has your dog ever bitten/nipped either yourself, any member of the family, carer, stranger?                            Yes / No   If yes, please be more specific:



Veterinary Information:

Name of Veterinary Practice: ...........................................................................................................................................................

Address of Practice:  …......................................................................................................................................................................................


Postcode:........................................ Telephone Number: ..…………….……………


In an emergency or your dog is unwell, do you consent to for us to take your dog for veterinary treateatment?                                                  Yes      No 

We weill always try to use your vet but in an emergency, will be take to Heath Lodge St Albans.


 Do you have pet insurance?                         Yes         No

Company Details and Policy Number: …….....................................................................................................................................

Please give details of any poor health issues:



  Is your dog on any current medication or herbal remedies?                       Yes         No

Please specify type and dosage: ….....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


It is a requirement that your dog is on an up to date flea and worming programme. Please specify the flea and worming programme and brand.


Flea Brand …………………………………… How often is it administered? ………………………

Worming Brand …………………………… How often is it administered? ………………………




 HOWEVER, IF YOUR DOG HAS HAD THE VACCINATION,                YES       DATE ............             NO

Are your dogs required vaccinations up to date at the time of filling in this form?              Yes         No

Photo required of certficate - please WhatsApp 0777 0077667 or email.                              Date ..................


Feeding – All food is to be supplied by yourselves.

Time of Feed & Quantity:…......................................................................................................................................................................

Type (dry biscuit, cooked, raw), Brand of food:


 Is your dog possessive over food?     Yes / No     

The owner is welcome to provide treats for their dog



Describe your dog’s level of obedience, and any command words that you dog responds to: Please advise


Does your dog have a Sit?                 Yes         No

Does your dog have a Wait/Stay?     Yes         No

Does your dog have a Recall?           Yes         No

Any other words they respond to .............................................................................................................

Where does your dog usually sleep? Hall, Lounge, Bedroom, in your bed etc.


Is your dog crate trained?               Yes         No

Does your dog pull on a lead when out for walks?       Yes         No

IS YOUR DOG LIKELY TO (Please circle the appropriate answer)

Disclaimer: This is to assess how your dog can be expected to behave whilst boarding with us, and alert us if they do anything that may be out of character.

  JUMP ONTO FURNITURE?           NEVER                  OFTEN                   OCCASIONALLY

  JUMP UP AT PEOPLE?                   NEVER                 OFTEN                   OCCASIONALLY

  BARK (When?)                                 NEVER                 OFTEN                   OCCASIONALLY

  WHINE (When?)                              NEVER                 OFTEN                   OCCASIONALLY

  CHEW FURNITURE?                      NEVER                  OFTEN                    OCCASIONALLY

  CHEW STICKS?                              NEVER                  OFTEN                    OCCASIONALLY

FIGHT WITH OTHER DOGS?         NEVER                  OFTEN                    OCCASIONALLY 


DOORS?                                         NEVER                  OFTEN                      OCCASIONALLY

Does your dog chew other things?   

e.g. Skirting, Pens, Paper, Small objects       NEVER        OFTEN           OCCASIONALLY

Can your dog be left alone?                             NEVER       OFTEN           OCCASIONALLY

Does your dog mess or urinate in the home?  NEVER      OFTEN          OCCASIONALLY

How does your dog react to having it's body, legs, ears, paws and tail touched?


How does your dog react when the door is knocked?


Is your dog possessive or protective over food, toys, chews, collar etc?


How does your dog behave/react when meeting other dogs off lead?


Are there any particular behaviours that Sarah's Home Dog Boarding need to be made aware of?


Your dog will be socialised as per information provided by the owner. After the initial “Meet & Greet”, a familiarisation programme will be carried out in the Home Boarding environment. Notes we be recorded and kept securely on our Dog Boarding Software and referred to when necessary.


Do you consent for your dog to eat with other dogs present in the room, as long as the necessary precautions are taken to prevent any incident of food aggression?

Yes / No


Do you consent with your dog being walked both on lead and off lead with other dogs, both our residential dog and dogs from different homes?

Yes / No


Do you consent to your dog exercising and playing in our outside areas with other dogs and our residential dog?

Yes / No


If there is evidence of external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice) your dog must be treated with an appropriate product authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate and licensed for use on animals in the UK. Treatment will be discussed with a veterinarian before administering. Do you consent to us carrying out this treatment?

Yes / No


Do you consent for your dog to be boarded with dogs from other households who may be boarded at the same time?

Yes / No


Do you consent for dogs to be transported in the car? They will be secured by a seatbelt lead or in the boot.

Yes / No


Do you consent for us to use a crate when required for your dog: ie. sleep, safe place, eating etc? Do you consent for your dog to be walked outside the home environment / garden?

Yes / No


Do you consent for your dog to be let off the lead?

Yes / No


Do you consent for your dog to be walked with dogs other than those from its household? Do you consent for us to keep your dogs together in a designated room?

Yes / No


Do you consent for us to separate dogs from the same household if it becomes necessary?

Yes / No


Do you consent for us to take video and photographs of your dog to post to our Facebook Page and on our website?

Yes / No


Have you read and agree to the Policies and Procedures available on

Yes / No


I agree to pay £40 per 24hr stay per dog.

Yes / No


I agree to pay £30for Day Care between 7am and 7pm.    

Yes / No




Signed: ………………………………………………………  Date: ………………………………………………..


The purpose of this form is to obtain as much information about your dog so that a correct decision can be made if Sarah's Home Boarding is a suitable environment. Details required such as behaviours, age, medical conditions, neutered, castrated are all bought into consideration for a booking to be agreed upon by both Owner and Sarah's Home Dog Boarding.

Personal contact details are required so a line of communication can be maintained at all times. Likewise, the client must feel they are able to contact the boarding/daycare establishment if any problems arise during the duration of the stay.

Dog's are individuals and each booking is treated individually at the discretion of Sarah's Home Dog Boarding.

By completing this form you are agreeing to our policies and prodcedes availble on the website to view


Any other information


If there is any other information you feel we need, please comment below;











Here is the booking form and service agreement - Both forms need to be completed and returned to


Please also complete the veterinary release form in an emergency.


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